
Finagricola Soc. Coop.

Avenue Spagna, 8

I. A. - 84091 Battipaglia (SA)

Campania - Italy

VAT N.: IT 02189960657

REA: 210709

EU - Funded Campaign

Pomodori selezionati e coltivati in Italia

Endive Escarole

Pomodoro Cuore di Bue


November ⇔ March

An open-headed plant, commonly known as escarole, it is characterised by its entire, broad leaf blade and light green leaves.

It has a crunchy texture and delicate, slightly bitter flavour and has excellent nutritional properties.

Low in fat and protein, it is rich in minerals, fibre and vitamins, especially A, C and K. It aids the functioning of the digestive and intestinal system, prevents cholesterol and, due to its bitterish flavour, counteracts the craving for sweet things. Thanks to its rich water content, it promotes purification of the body.

Endive escarole is mainly eaten cooked: sautéed, as a filling in pies and pizzas and in many other preparations.