
Finagricola Soc. Coop.

Avenue Spagna, 8

I. A. - 84091 Battipaglia (SA)

Campania - Italy

VAT N.: IT 02189960657

REA: 210709

EU - Funded Campaign

Pomodori selezionati e coltivati in Italia

The Taste Room

What it is

The Taste Room is the place within the company where Finagricola intends to communicate to guests in a simple and immediate way the passion, quality and professionalism from which all Così Com’è products are born.

The Taste Room is the place where all of the guest’s senses are stimulated so that the perception of the high quality of Così Com’è products is summed up and concretised in an indelible memory thanks to the simultaneousness of the individual perceptions of sight, touch, smell, hearing and, of course, taste.

Finagricola - La Sala del Gusto
Finagricola - La Sala del Gusto


This is the place where tasting events aimed at end consumers, distributors, and domestic and foreign customers will be organised.

The Taste Room is equipped with a system for live streaming via the Internet, so that it is possible to publish and then also record videos containing the preparation procedures of recipes using Così Com’è products rather than making available online the video of the last event held.

The Taste Room is of course home to all chefs and not only, to food and wine journalists, and to all lovers of knowing how to eat well, which is why the tasting events will also be able to embrace other sectors, such as wine, pasta, olive oil and mozzarella di bufala campana and all the food specialities that make our country great in the world.

The Project

The Taste Room project was developed by a team of highly professional designers:

Arch. Diego Granese was responsible for the general architectural design of the interior (Interior Design);

Filippo Cannata designed the lighting for the interior and exterior of the Sala del Gusto;

Engineer Giuseppe Cimmino, owner of VBS, designed and implemented the integration of the audio and video systems, and the general home automation management of the Taste Room;

Engineer Mario Savarese of SAITEC designed all the technological systems outside and inside the Taste Room.

Finagricola - La Sala del Gusto
Finagricola - La Sala del Gusto


The technology used in the “Sala del Gusto” is the most innovative currently available on the international market, both in terms of its strictly technological aspects and in terms of environmental sustainability, which has been taken into account in the choice of materials, such as wood, which is the predominant construction element, and in the energy sustainability of the lighting fixtures and technological equipment installed.

Each construction and technological element is the result of an in-depth search for excellence and rarity and of the attention to detail, both aesthetic and functional, which are precisely the fruit of the high level of professionalism put into the field.

From the Bora extraction hoods, innovative for their system of suction of cooking fumes from below, to the double video projection system over a surface area of almost six metres, from the audio and video streaming system on the internet of the Sala’s interior to the winter garden behind the kitchen unit made entirely of date tomato plants, every detail aims to stimulate all the senses of the Sala del Gusto’s guest towards the perception of the excellence of Così Com’è products.

Latest News from The Taste Room