
Finagricola Soc. Coop.

Avenue Spagna, 8

I. A. - 84091 Battipaglia (SA)

Campania - Italy

VAT N.: IT 02189960657

REA: 210709

EU - Funded Campaign

Pomodori selezionati e coltivati in Italia

Ox Heart Tomato

Pomodoro Cuore di Bue


May ⇔ November

A tomato variety with a large (it can weigh up to half a kilo) and irregular shape, hence the name ‘Cuore di Bue’ (ox heart), and a wine red colour.

It has a smooth, very thin skin and rich, floury flesh with a low water content and very few seeds.

Of American origin, it arrived in Europe around 1500.

It has a light and fresh taste on the palate, particularly aromatic. It is a rich source of vitamins and minerals, with a low calorie intake: 19 calories per 100 grams.

Concentrated in pulp, the Cuore di Bue tomato is particularly suitable for eating raw: from caprese to rice and pasta salads.

It is also excellent with meat and fish main courses.

A drizzle of extra virgin olive oil and a pinch of salt are all that is needed to enhance its flavour.