
Finagricola Soc. Coop.

Avenue Spagna, 8

I. A. - 84091 Battipaglia (SA)

Campania - Italy

VAT N.: IT 02189960657

REA: 210709

EU - Funded Campaign

Pomodori selezionati e coltivati in Italia

Wild Rocket

Pomodoro Cuore di Bue


January ⇔ December

A very aromatic rustic plant, it has long, thin leaves with serrated margins, a deep green colour and a spicy, piquant aroma.

It is a rich source of vitamins C, K and B9, minerals (especially calcium, magnesium and potassium) and antioxidants, which combat free radicals and prevent cancer.

It also boasts digestive, diuretic, remineralising, detoxifying and relaxing properties.

It is excellent during pregnancy due to the presence of folates which, by transforming into folic acid, have a preventive action against foetal malformations and are functional for the correct growth of the child. It has a low calorie content: only 25 calories per 100 grams of product.

There are many possible uses for wild rocket in the kitchen, from salads to cold pasta, from pizza to meat and fish carpaccio. Try it cooked as well.